Training: Challenge Ropes-Course (universal accessible)
Our German member Seilschaft UG from the ERCA working group "Inclusion" started building a ropes course in 2011 that is suitable for disabled people but not barrier-free, together with the DPSG Paderborn to develop offers that, for example, also integrate the…
Public Release of the New ERCA Training Syllabus
We would like to raise everybody’s awareness to the public release of the revised version (July 2024) of the ERCA training syllabus. The full document is now publicly available: ERCA-Members can download the syllabus directly from here (after your click you…
ERCA Website Members' Area
It's done: transferring the minutes of board meetings from Word format to the members' area of our JOOMLA website was a lot of hard work. We are now up to date again, so that if you are interested you can read about the current topics that the board is…
Additional professional Audit Services for Ropes Course Operators
ERCA is introducing the pilot phase for additional professional but voluntary audit services. The new audit services offers focus on the professional development for operators of ropes courses and adventure parks. It is made for all operators who are running…
A Happy New Year 2025
Our very best New Year wishes come with a fascinating picture from the illuminated Skypark of Carlingford Adventure Centre (CAC) in the Republic of Ireland. We picked this picture for two reasons: First of all, our congratulations go to them for the…
Fantastic collaborative Contributions by Volunteers in the Training Sector
Meeting of the ERCA Mastertrainer Team This year, the Mastertrainer team decided to meet for an extra day to work on the train-the-trainer programs. After an intensive exchange, various presentation methods were discussed in order to create a balanced…
Great open exchange & appreciative networking
The working group for “Adventure Therapy” and the working group for ”People with Disabilities in Ropes Courses” together in Sauerland Over the course of three days, the working group for “Adventure Therapy” of the German Association of Individual and…
Inspector Training starts from January 2025
We would like to inform you about the inspector qualifications on offer. You can find both, pre-requisite courses to complete the participation requirements, as well as a 5-day inspector training course which are necessary to qualify as an ERCA-certified…
Inspection Quiz: The Solution!
Thank you to everybody who took the inspection quiz. On this occasion, collective wisdom did not fully provide the correct answer: 12 out of 23 responses correctly identified the cause of the damage as eating or chewing animals. Specifically Squirrels (view…
Congrats to four new ERCA-Certified Adventure Park Trainers
For the very first time a Train-the-Trainer assessment took place outside of continental Europe. The desert surrounding in the United Arab Emirates with its climate was a new thing to cope with for running an assessment. However, all candidates, Jim as master…
High Season for Train-the-Trainer Courses
It is a pleasure for us to see a great example of community exchange whilst the 'Module 1' courses. Last week 7 trainer candidates from 7 different companies attended in the United Kingdom for the field of traditional ropes courses. Later this week another…
Capstone Inspections Ltd re-joined ERCA as inspection body
We welcome back Capstone Inspections Ltd. as an ERCA member as well as an ERCA-certified inspection body. The audit procedure for the inspection certification took place in between early summer and the summer break. Since end of August Capstone Inspections…
Don't miss out: Webinar "Mental First Aid"
On 14.11.2024 from 17pm until 19pm UK time we run this webinar in cooperation with Outdoorschule Süd e.V.. Content: The topic of mental health first aid is becoming increasingly important in our working environment. This training course is about…
Inspectors Meeting: Report & Community Quiz
During the inspectors meeting a great variety of topics was covered and there was an excellent exchange on practical inpection cases. To give the community one example, we would like to share a picture with you from one of the inspected items and would like…
Don't Miss Out: Enter the ERCA-Trainer or -Inspector Certification Scheme
Even if the most courses are fully booked, we would like to point out when and where you might still have the chance to book you in. On our website you can find pre-requisite courses, trainings and assessments which path your way to become an ERCA-certified…
ERCA-Certification now also for Organisations Outside of Continental Europe
We are receiving more and more inquiries from organisations from other continents. Those entrepreneurs are seeking for a route to implement the well-established ERCA certification schemes to train ropes course instructors and rescuers as well as for the…
New ERCA members worldwide - Welcome!
We heartily welcome our new members joining from the whole globe! It's impressive how international the ERCA community is. Thank you for joining (alphabetical order): 3park Eesti OÜ, Estonia Capstone Inspections Ltd., United Kingdom Form UP S.r.l., Italy…
OUTDOOR SPORT SAFETY (NL) successfully completed the ERCA-certified Inspection Body audit
Bas Cnossen from the Netherlands works as an ERCA-certified inspector since 2017. Last year he applied with his company OUTDOOR SPORT SAFETY to start the ERCA-certification process for ropes course periodical inspections. Today our congratulations go to Bas…
NOW: The new ERCA Site-Specific Trainer Award goes live!
We now serve what was requested from many operators in the ropes course industry: a new route in the ERCA-certification scheme for training was established which allows to become an ERCA site-specific trainer! The ERCA site-specific trainer award is ideal for…
Welcoming EDUROPE as a new ERCA-certified Inspection Body
EDUROPE recently completed the certification audit for the scope of ropes course periodical inspections. ERCA-certified inspectors can now work under the umbrella of the company and the company is allowed to issue inspection certificates according to the ERCA…
Safety Information from PETZL about ''GYM / PANDION / PANJI'' harnesses
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Safety Information from PETZL about ''GYM / PANDION / PANJI'' harnesses:…
Safety Alert from 'Head Rush Technologies' about Retraction Impairment for ''TRUBLUE iQ''
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Safety Alert from 'Head Rush Technologies' about Retraction Impairment for ''TRUBLUE…
Welcome PETZL as new ERCA Partner
We are very pleased about the new partnership with PETZL Germany. We are now also sealing the professional exchange and cooperation more formally that we have already maintained over the last few years in the field of ropes courses.
Training Discount: ''Mental Health First Aid''
25.10. - 27.10.2024, Hamburg/ Germany, English & German Ensuring mental, and social-emotional well-being (mental health) has become a central core criterion of safety measures in experiential education and Adventure and nature therapy processes with…
Looking ahead together: this was the German "Shaping the Future" conference
Shared Visions Berlin/Duisburg (Germany), 20.03.2024 - After a year of intensive planning with a cross-association team, the German conference 'Shaping the Future - Shared perspectives in children and youth travel' took place from 12 - 14 March 2024 at the…
A great Experience of Networking and Knowledge Exchange at the ERCA Industry Day Netherlands
It was a packed schedule of presentations, 10 exhibitors present and a total of 100 people enjoying this marvelous ERCA industry day of the ropes course community in the Netherlands and Belgium. A great example for how everybody in the industry can cooperate…
Training Body Audit successfully Completed with Ropes Course Inspection & Training Ltd (UK)
We are happily welcoming our new ERCA-certified training body Ropes Course Inspection & Training Ltd, who successfully completed the audit procedures. Antony Reed was carrying out the audit and Angela Matheußer took the opportunity for a business meeting with…
Unauthorised use of the ERCA Logo
We hereby inform people that a few businesses display the ERCA logo on promotional material without entitlement. This may be on their websites, brochures, letterheads and clothing. The following list of companies, at the time of writing, are misrepresenting…
Request for inspection from PETZL for ''GRILLON''
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Request for inspection from PETZL for ''GRILLON'':…
Save-the-Date(s) for AGM, Events & Training
A variety of event dates have already been set for 2024. Please check which topics are relevant to you, put them in your calendar and register now! Formal AGM & Community-Events 02. February 2024 (NL): ERCA-Industry-Day in the Netherlands A Dutch language…
Happy Christmas, Year Review & Activities' Outlook
With our Christmas comic, we wish you and your colleagues a happy Christmas holiday. When everyday life feels too hectic, a rest can help. A break is a good opportunity to enjoy the natural environment, spend time in the company of friends and family. This…
Precautionary call for safety check of the EDELRID "Mega Jul"
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Precautionary call for safety check of the EDELRID "Mega Jul":…
Call for inspection from PETZL for ''ASTRO & CANYON GUIDE'' -harnesses
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Call for inspection from PETZL for ''ASTRO & CANYON GUIDE'' -harnesses:…
Survey on Safety in Ropes Courses
We would like to announce that you will receive a separate email invitation to participate in the online “Survey on Safety in Ropes Courses” in the next few days. You can check whether the link is real by comparing the start of the domain. It has to start…
Welcome New ERCA Members and Training Bodies
We feel happy that Jugendbildungsstätte der EGfD, Germany and Zipit Forest Adventures, Ireland succesfully completed their audits to become new ERCA-certified training bodies. Both are offering group activities in their ropes courses. They are following the…
Don't Miss Out on Becoming an ERCA-certified Trainer for the Scope of Traditional Ropes Courses
This is a last-minute call announcing the opportunity for you to participate in a Train-the-Trainer course (Traditional High Ropes Courses). Please consider attending and don't miss this chance. The next cycle of courses will start in the winter period…
Inclusion in Ropes Courses highlighted at the Vertex Industry Day
It is a pleasure for us to announce that two represantives from the ''ERCA Inclusion Working Group'' are invited to present at an industry event which our member Vertex Instructor Training Ltd. organises in Cumbria (England). The event on 22nd November 2023…
Congratulations on the 20th birthday of the Ropes Course Hanover
We congratulate the colleagues and all cooperation partners of the Ropes Course 'Seilgarten Hannover' on its 20th anniversary. The activities at 'Seilgarten Hannover' are offered by KEJ e.V. in cooperation with Hanover's children's and youth work. Between…
Participate in ERCA Train-the-Trainer- & Inspector-Courses
We are pleased to announce that a great variety of training courses can be offered again. On our website you can find pre-requisite courses, trainings and assesments which path your way to become an ERCA-certified trainer or ERCA-certified inspector.
Register for the Video Lecture ''Protect Trees from Bark Beetle Damage''
Spruce trees undergo enormous stress under the climate conditions with drought and storms. In addition, or potentially as a consequence, vermin infestation is reported more often. The occurence of big bark beetle populations is something which German…
New Offers at our Online Classifieds Section
We would like to draw your attention once again to our online classifieds, where you can find job offers and post job requests. Furthermore there you can find a variety of miscellaneous offers such as training offers and tender offers for construction…
Training Body Audit successfully Completed with TechClimb (UK)
From June 29th to 30th, 2023, the audit for the prospective ERCA-certified training body ''TechClimb Ltd'' took place at Gilwell Park. Antony Reed was carrying out the audit and Angela Matheußer took the opportunity for a business meeting with Will Kilner and…
Impressions from our Anniversary- & Summer-Event
Our summer event, which we organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ERCA, symbolically included many of the association activities that have been important to us since the founding of the association and which stands for our community.
Health Hazard: Oak Processionary Moth
In the interest of sharing, please find information and guidance regarding Oak Processionary Moth, mainly affecting oak trees in London and the South East of England at the moment. Other areas in Europe were affected earlier or are still affected. Therefore…
Safety Notice from Lanex a.s. for ''TENDON Master Pro 9.2''
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Safety Notice from Lanex a.s. for ''TENDON Master Pro 9.2'':…
Great Discount on Metal Ladders
We have just discovered a great discount on various models of metal ladders in our new Benefits Portal, which might be very interesting for you. This offer is valid for the delivery area Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Poland. This…
Board confirmed & Documention of the Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting on 2 March 2023 confirmed and re-elected the ERCA Board in its current team. This continuity helps to seamlessly continue the current and future projects. Here you can find the current team of Board Members and who represents the…
Safety Notice from ISC for ''UltraLink''
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Safety Notice from ISC for ''UltraLink'':…
Video Call: Ireland Support Group on Insurance Matters
As operators from Ireland know, the first challenge is to get insurance to cover the scope of outdoor activities. This is directly followed by the (now) challenging high sum of insurance premiums charged. We can say all outdoor activities are affected by this…
New training body for the scope of Adventure Parks in Ireland
In wintry temperatures, Jo McCarthy and two more candidates of her team started their assessment course to become ERCA-certified trainers for the scope of adventure parks. All three work for the Castlecomer Discovery Park in Ireland and completed their…
Ropes Courses and Adventure Parks now in the mainstream
More and more often, mass media such as radio and television are now reporting on programmes in ropes courses. This does not simply remain factual or promotional information, but our actually very specific topic is now also being prepared for mainstream…
New training body for the scope of Adventure Parks in Austria
We warmly welcome Thomas Stranner and the entire team from Familywald Ossiacher See as a new ERCA-certified training body. The training centre is located on the grounds of the adventure park, in the middle of a 30,000m2 beech forest.
Product Recalls from RockExotica for ''Omni 1.1 Pulleys'' and from CMC for ''ProSviwel Pulleys''
ERCA received information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlinks below to get detailed information and to read the original notices:
High Season for Train-the-Trainer Courses
It's impressive how busy the autumn is with a lot of train-the-trainer programmes taking place. Over all in October three 'Module 1'-courses ran in South England, in Northern Germany and in the South of Austria. Just now a trainer assessment is happening in…
Product Recall from DMM for ''Compact Swivel Units''
ERCA received an information related to safety, which we would like to share. Please follow the hyperlink below to get detailed information and to read the original notice: Product recall from DMM for ''Compact Swivel Units'':…
Joyful Reunion at the Training Expert Meeting
Over a period of 3 days, 16 training experts from the ERCA-certified training bodies, the master trainer team and five new aspirants got together. We would like to take this opportunity to wish the new aspirants a speedy and successful admission.
New Training Body for the Traditional Ropes Course Sector in Germany
We warmly welcome the Camp Adventure Academy with its trainer Chris Janisch as a new ERCA-certified training body and at the same time we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the company on its 20th anniversary. The Camp Adventure Academy,…
Inclusion Concepts for Ropes Courses presented at REHACARE
Our working group ''Inclusion'' was actively represented at the international trade fair REHACARE for 5 days and offered a taster high-altitude experience.
Participate in ERCA training courses
We are pleased to announce that a great variety of training courses can be offered again. On our website you can find pre-requisite courses, trainings and assesments which path your way to become an ERCA-certified trainer or ERCA-certified inspector.
Submit your Ropes Course Location for the public map
Dear ERCA-Members, please consider to submit your ropes course location so that ERCA can embed it in the public ropes course map. As an ERCA-Member, you receive this marketing benefit at no additional cost. This gives you the opportunity to highlight your…
New Training Body for the Scope of Traditional Ropes Courses & Adventureparks in the Netherlands
Valentin Kern (Master Trainer) and Angela Matheußer (Training Manager at ERCA) accompanied Rick Jansen on the first advertised course for prospective site-specific rescuers and audited Edurope as an ERCA-certified training body.