

We would like to receive 2 stages of P A I D CONSULTANCY and practical TEACHING in the following areas of high ropes course construction (adventure park).

STAGE 1 - Consultancy

*1: Introduction to and comparison of different CONTINUOUS BELAY SYSTEMS (category E) like 'Roperoller', 'Kanopeo' or any other innovative system we might need.

*2: Introduction and usage of different types of ropes

STAGE 2 - Practical Teaching in Construction

*3: Construction of static belay lines for: Adults, Children;

*4: Construction, elongation and maintenance of continuous belay systems lines on trees and metal pillars for: Adults, Children;

*5: Construction of or adding new obstacles/elements to existing continuous belay system high ropes courses

*6: Innovative, captivating, complex high ropes course obstacles/elements as part of continuous belay system high ropes courses

If you have a wide knowledge in the field and the required practical experience, please contact us (details see below) to discuss the consultancy scope and extent.



Performance location: Germany OR Bulgaria & Virtual


Petyo Atanasov
Telephone: 00359878238611